Could it be that it's just an illusion? Putting me back in all this confusion?
hey. it's 2018.
in philly it's a blizzard type snow day today. i hope everyone's doing ok.
this is random but... as a child of an old saturnian survivor who lectured me incessantly about how to take care of myself, i'd like to offer up some personal wellness tips, such as:
enjoy winter citrus fruits (bags of clementines were on sale at the supermarket by me)
get some hot chilis into your diet (chomp a whole fresh jalapeno in one bite or naw)
or like, add some lemon juice or lemon slice to the water you're drinking
i live in a dim, drafty ass, uninsulated victorian house with 5 other ppl and every winter around this time it just gets hard to deal with anything. chilis and citrus seem to truly help my mood, and it makes sense cause they're hot and tart.
last winter i was like oh shit what if i start thinking about now as the start of spring?? the days are already getting longer, why not? in catholic school, we didn't start talking about spring until lent and the approach of easter, and all the emphasis was put on blossoming tulips and all that. but as someone who did study abroad in osaka, i noticed a lot of wintry New Year's imagery depicting just-budding plum and cherry trees – at first glance it struck me as odd and out of place to show snow and blossoms in the same image, but isn't that how it is in so many places on earth? plus as a witch who pays attention to the sun and moon in the sky and the plants on the ground, ive come to notice that a lot of change comes to pass before a lot of us are willing to say "spring." idk, maybe that's generalizing but MY POINT IS... the sun's arch grows steadily higher in the sky and the daylight lasts past 5pm now, and will continue to do so. spring. is. coming. even with snow on the ground now.
cause in philly, thinking that winter starts in october and doesn't end till april is just not good on the mind, imo. so i have to think of these cold weather months as entry into winter from fall and departure from winter into spring.
anyway, something else that's been a game changer is that i got a slow cooker for christmas and promptly made this VERY DANK "ramen" recipe. this shit for real passed two different stages of a cold for me, i was like =0 and i didn't even make the acorn squash part. i am in love with this slow cooker too because i generally have trouble mustering the energy/focus to cook meals on the regular, and then in the slow cooker you do like 30-40 minutes of prep and next thing you know you've got a week's worth of dank, highly nutritious meals.
ok now this newsletter is sounding like a health and wellness blog, but truly, that is all i've been doing at home cause, hey, it is dead the middle of the most cold months now.
so in other news METROPOLARITY has a call out for submissions >>>
and in updates, now is a pertinent time to get yourself a C U NEXT TUESDAY monthly or weekly planner >>>
i think it's close to time i put out a new zine or two soon.
till then,
illusions and riding
(thanks 2 annie for the 2nd one)
write back if u want
crock pot recipes welcome
magus monk