EVENT - Nov 9 CYBORG MEMOIRS at Philly Zine Fest
New Print Debuts forthcoming & BIG SUMMER BOOK SALE recap
Hello & welcome new subscribers and regular readers. Thank you for being here with me. I appreciate you. It's quiet around here. I’m putting things out with a quarterly rhythm, plus a few beats and blips in between.
I'm curious what all has your attentions these days. For real, drop a comment plz n ty.
Over at my Patreon, subscribers just got packages in the mail of my 2024 print releases to date, so if that interests you, here is the link.
If you’ve been following me for a while and would like things out of this relationship beyond what I've been serving, drop a comment? Like should I hold a quarterly class or a bi-monthly meet-up that focuses on topics around media/writing critique, understanding propaganda/media literacy, speculative thinking/narrative craftwork, etc? Those who’ve attended workshops of mine appreciate the martial/spiritual, disciplined, and direct fashion in which we address topics, so, think about it.
Now without further ado...
[see the original post at CYBORG MEMOIRS]
I’ll be vending books, zines, tees, stickers, and other ephemera at
Saturday, November 9 · 10am – 5pm EST
Mitten Hall, Temple University
1913 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, 19123
phillyzinefest.org for more details
Come See Me!
This past July I had a very pleasant time vending the BIG SUMMER BOOK SALE hosted by Ice Box Project Space and organized by FORTUNE / Many Folds Press x ULISES Books. Lots of people I hadn’t seen in person for many moons turned up, several by chance encounter. It felt very good to see people still doing their thing despite this post-pandemic lockdown era we live in. I also sold a lot of goods to interesting people ~ a pleasure.
I debuted a new ALL THAT’S LEFT story first time in print at the Book Sale, which people bought without knowing any hype or promo from me. Very satisfying, I hope those folks enjoyed their read.
For Philly Zine Fest, I’ll be debuting the next chapter of that failed novel experiment, so please look forward to it! =)
Here are a few photos from the book sale. Scroll below for what to expect from Philly Zine Fest.
What to Expect
Last year’s Philly Zine Fest was very fun for me, so I’m looking forward to attending this year. 2023’s fest had a thorough selection of pure zinesters, illustrators and graphic novelists, people like me with a mix of self-published (and crowd-funded) books and zines, and representation from some of Philly’s indie and DIY centric bookstores.
There was a lot of good stuff, so bring an empty tote bag and cash or a topped up digi-cash account. Maaaany many people wore masks, so we’ll see about this year. I’ll certainly be masked up.
Mitten Hall is wheelchair accessible, which also made loading in/out very easy (what a concept). Parking isn’t hard to find, and the subway goes right there (I rec calling ahead to Cecil B Moore station to check the elevator is working, if u need one).
The flier design by the now publicly known as legendary Alex Smith, is so fitting and triumphant to me, after all these years of us doing our thing both as DIY artists and together as METROPOLARITY.
I booked a table at Zine Fest too!! See you there :)