[Image description: A screencap of my longtime URL, cyborgmemoirs.com, as I use the browser inspector to play with some different typefaces, for an upcoming design refresh]
Hi friend,
This is a minor note: the NEXT missive you get from me will come as “CYBORG MEMOIRS” to your inbox, and not the usual “DESIRE HOPE DESPAIR” it has been thus far.
I’d gotten used to having like 10 diff names for my varied digital projects, but lately I decided things should be more unified. Cyborg Memoirs was theee earliest dedicated cyber namesake I arranged for myself back in the early 00s. The domain name itself is 19 years old, and it’s remained a fitting moniker thru all my transformations over the years.
The “Desire Hope Despair” slogan has been well explained on this newsletter’s About page, as well as on my DHD215 website—the distro/shop URL for my solo and collaborative publications and wearable merch goods. I came up with that slogan and then a few years later I made a tee with that slogan on it (which several ppl have requested I bring back), and I thought, oh perhaps I should start trying to sling merch on the side (this was before FB/Meta turned IG into a 24/7 ad marketplace). Alas, it was too much of a commitment to do well… Plus the whole “DHD” namesake was sort of over-long when spelled out and sort of ambiguous when abbreviated. And how many different outfits can a single person with not that much capacity for full-on media presence anymore effectively maintain???
As well, since I named my Patreon the Cyborg Memoirs Fan Club, I thought let’s just make my Substack “Cyborg Memoirs” related as well. Now I have plans to update my website after a long silence (due to tech issues and being locked out), and hopefully to better centralize all the disparate streams of output. A whole franchise, if you will:
Cyborg Memoirs - my main URL and possibly autobiographical ethos underpinning all my work, since I have never stopped considering myself a cyborg. I’m generally found on the net @cyborgmemoirs, too.
All That’s Left - my novel in progress / flooded out short story cyborg smut world
Desire Hope Despair - already noted, mostly used for merch and formerly a sleepy Mixcloud account (now updated to also be Cyborg Memoirs in name).
[image descrip: a scattering of open notebooks, planners, and books on top of my bed cover in my old apartment]
[image descrip: a quad of 9 diff AI generated images based on the prompt “Android 18 loves Vegeta”. Most images are a fascinating mishmash of both characters into a single entity.]
[image descrip: candid shot of me kneeling on my apartment’s wood floor earlier in the year, altars in the background.]
How did you like the long audio episode from last post?
Till next time