transitional times transitional body...
Hi friends and supporters? neighbors? Hello hello!
I consulted with an herbalist friend this morning and am looking forward to change, but ... well, ok I don't have too much energy in me to be conversational tonight. It's Mercury Rx, if you abide in any capacity to contemporary astrology. Venus is again a glorious morning star, so beautiful and bright in the daybreaking early AM.
Tonight I'm in the midst of preparing for the queer zine fest this Saturday. If you are subscribed to Metropolarity's newsletter, then you just got the event news for Saturday. I'm tabling, Cutty and Alex are reading at Little Berlin. Alex is fundraising.
I'm also working on this
BAAASSicallly, it's a collection of 2 published stories from elsewhere, plus a performance jawn that isn't anywhere, and the whoooole first chapter of All That's Left (or what I'm calling the first chapter). I thought it could be a nice little supplemental zine I could sell to generate a little coin, but lol before I put in the ATL story it was at 36 pages and after it jumped to 75. LORDY. So... I gotta figure out what's gonna happen with this. If the saints decide to bless me, I miiiight just have this at the zine fest saturday??? We'll see we'll see.
Well back to the herbalist. I was telling them about my increasing mood swings, dips into newfound extremes of madness/mania/hysteria, and they said hey would u like to experiment with a few drops of lobelia tincture? I said yes. It calmed me down so much and then unlocked the underlying grief that I manage to work over in order to, idk, 'function' day to day.
One of the books I'm reading is Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha. I recommend it. Sorry, I'm tired tonight.
News is an assault. I suppose we're all dealing with it in our own ways. I went on a mini IG stories rant the other day. one of the things i wrote was
it's hard to take care of yourself but you have to.
and another was about the constant escalation of factors in the material plane.
i've spent quite a few nights now reading hyperlink after hyperlink through the matrix of ancient and recent 'european' history, although i suppose its more the history of empire in 'the old world' over there across the ocean. it's bleak, i suppose. italian facism was like, yo roman empire was so cool we need to do that again and be the best. everyone loves the motherfucking romans. some wiki articles cite historians that are like ummm yo, probably this roman record of this shit is propaganda??? druids forbade their wisdom to be captured in the written word and that's why we dont have some of that shit now apparently. and like, yeah... the written word continues to seem to be a consequence of empire. written word like linear time, and it's all so ugh.
it makes sense to me, though. the spoken word, the word aspirated, the sounds on the tongue between the teeth and lips, that's power in there. that's magic in there. the written word is a moment in time. why are we capturing it all the tiem for?
just some musings.
the VENUS SATURN SQUARE smut zine call for submissions was extended to dec 1st. send me what you got. i announced this over IG but didn't get around to over here. my bad.
how are you doing, though?
let's all eat nutritious for ourselves over the next few days if we can.