UPDATE - Cyborg Memoirs revival continues ~ printing cyberspace
Erecting a material body from the dregs of platform cyberspace
[image descrip: a screencap of a zine/book cover in progress. it shows a color screengrab of a pissy, no-nonsense cyborg Number 18 from Dragon Ball Z with the words CYBORG MEMOIRS / 2012 - 2015+ overlaid]
July greetings, dear readers.
an essay & interview collection / internet archive / time capsule
largely culled from the remnants of my tumblrs
LOTS of unpacking whiteness / mixedness / "POC" / class discourse thoughts that many people apparently followed and interacted with me for, but that never really saw the light of day beyond the tumblr posts, (or the occasional IG long posts & FB rants before I got barred for non-legal name years ago)
Months ago I made a first draft that initially struck me as SO much discordant, overly vulnerable material, but of course my feelings on that changed and I then went for round two and expanded things, so now this zine is currently 128 pages long at the 8.5" x 5.5" format. We'll see if I print it as a 2-part zine or just go straight to book printing (I use 48hrbooks.com for those interested). Personally, I'm keen for a new book to replace my TRANSITIONAL TIMES TRANSITIONAL BODY collection.
[image descrip: a screencap of an in-progress preface essay. one header reads ‘what you are holding in your hand is’ and another says ‘what was tumblr like?"‘]
Right now I'm working on some contextual essays for the preface/intro or whatever you wanna call it, and then I plan to add commentary withIN a few of the pieces themselves. There's a lot of (what i feel is) outdated self-referential language I'm using that originally was making me cringe, but I think it's useful and important to provide the original stuff alongside my thoughts now re: all these very touchy talking about whiteness/empire/scifi topics.
Anyway, all this is part of my plan to erect a material body of what has long been a cyberspace domain — the many writings I've done, for decades, under the handle and domain of "CYBORG MEMOIRS" — Oh shit, I FORGOT THAT I BOUGHT MY DOMAIN in 2003--this an unintentional 20 yr anniversary jawn that's crazzzzzyyyyyyy
Um ok. Well...
I don't know what I'll be calling THIS particular project here--I've referenced it before w/the draft name has been "tumblr archive zine" but we'll see what actually lands on the front and back covers, because I intend it to be the first official CYBORG MEMOIRS print publication that kicks off a series of future work. I feel as tho over the years I've authored things under various monikers and project titles, and for some reason never wanted to base it off of the one namesake that has remained core — that what I'm putting out are my cyborg memoirs.
For my astro heads, we know by know that Venus retrograde periods are linked in 8 year chunks. So I was looking back at the summer of 2015, the last time Venus was moving through and went retrograde in Leo, and what struck me is that I was very busy then launching and promoting myself as an up-and-coming scifi author, alongside dropping a bevy of zines, stickers, and tees under my now defunct Desire Hope Despair moniker/material project, not to mention HEAVY activity with ye olde METROPOLARITY scifi collective. I have natal Venus in Leo (12H, 0° Venus squaring 28° Saturn conjunct w/Pluto in 2H Libra)...An astrologer pointed out to me that transiting Pluto is involved this time, so...we'll see how I'll fare, walking a path of lessons learned, on the other side of this time period.
Say, did you listen to NO NEW COLONY, my last audio episode? I was pretty pleased with that release and paradoxically got the least feedback ever. Summer is strange for that, attentions go all over the place as regular schedules are disrupted, not to mention the fucking times in general. Welll, I'm compiling another episode too, as well as getting podcast distribution sorted out. And ONE OF THESE DAYS I'll make my return to the physical world with some IN PERSON performances, workshops, and other clandestine activities to be revealed...
What HAVE you been into lately? A nosy jawn likes to know!!
Take care of yourself out there, and thanks and blessings for the continued support.
P.S. If you’re new and-or here because of
‘s list of sci-fi authors to follow on Substack, I cannot recommend to you ENOUGH to get into the AUDIO & TEXT archive of my short stories, essays, reviews and other works (including a very sexy UNDERGROUND SCIFI DISTRO), all living happily at — you guessed it — CYBORGMEMOIRS.COM